Accessibility Statement
Effective from September 2023
At Immersive, we want our product to be accessible to everyone, which is why we are working towards compliance with level AA of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1.
The purpose of the statement is to:
- Enable you to quickly find solutions or workarounds to any accessibility difficulties you are experiencing with our Platform, if they are available.
- Explain where this isn’t currently possible at the moment and what we are doing to improve that.
- Provide you with one channel to funnel any queries through, so you can ensure that they are dealt with quickly and appropriately.
Our commitment to accessibility
Immersive is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for disabled people. Our aim is to combine compelling user experiences with high levels of accessibility and inclusivity, so everyone can use our digital services. This is part of our commitment to increasing diversity in cybersecurity, maintaining an inclusive workplace culture, and championing diversity and inclusion in the wider cybersecurity industry. Our ongoing site development and content creation is guided by best-practice accessibility guidelines such as WCAG and ISO 30071-1.
Adapt your experience
While our Platform has been created to be usable ‘as is’, many people are likely to get the most accessible experience by customizing their computer to suit their individual needs – for example: to get the site spoken to them, to change its color-scheme, or increase the size of its text.
If that sounds like it would be useful to you, we recommend you visit: WAI’s Better Web Browsing: Tips for Customizing your Computer to read or watch videos of how these customizations (achieved by using accessibility features already on your computer or through installing assistive technologies) might suit you.
Note that this may not work in some parts of the platform. For more information, please read the section ‘Limitations of our platform’s accessibility’ in this document.
Adapt your experience
The platform has been built using code compliant with W3C standards for HTML and CSS. Due to the interactive nature of the Immersive platform, we require JavaScript to be enabled.
Our software should display correctly in the latest or penultimate version of the following browsers:
- Microsoft Edge
- Safari
- Chrome
- Firefox
We’ve made the software text as simple as possible to understand.
Limitations of our platform’s accessibility
Through expert accessibility testing of our platform, using representative assistive technologies used by our users, we are aware that it has some current accessibility limitations, and we are working to address these and to gain WCAG 2.1 AA compliance:
- Some elements of the interface (e.g. images and buttons) do not have descriptive alternative text.
- Some users may find it difficult to use form elements as labels, grouping and validation need to be improved.
- Some custom controls may not have accessible information when accessed with assistive technologies.
- Some content that is presented automatically may not be noticed when using assistive technologies.
- Some buttons may be difficult to distinguish from unselected buttons for people with color deficiencies.
- Some text and key images may be difficult to read due to low color contrast.
- Some interactive elements such as links, buttons, custom controls and the virtual desktop interface may not be accessible using the keyboard only.
- Some elements may not be in a meaningful focus order when navigating using keyboard tabbing.
- Some links that open in a new window may not be visually indicated.
- Some PDF downloads may not be tagged correctly and may be missing appropriate image alternative text.
- Some automated emails may have issues with color contrast and some content may not be easy for screen readers to interpret.
- Some data visualizations do not have text alternatives and may be missing appropriate ARIA attributes.
- Where translation is an enabled feature, some parts of pages may not respect language preferences and may remain in English.
- Some moving or auto-updating content does not have a mechanism to pause or stop the movement or content updates.
- Some content may require horizontal scrolling to access when zoom levels are set to 400%.
Our Immersive Labs and some of our Application Security Labs use several technologies including Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) which together, are currently incompatible with screen readers. The way our labs work is to show pictures of what’s happening on a virtual machine somewhere, which is displayed to the user in their browser. The pictures update very fast (almost like stop motion). Screen readers can only read HTML code which means they cannot interpret these images. As technology is constantly moving, we’re investigating ways that some of these labs could be made more accessible to those with accessibility requirements.
At present, we’re not able to install assistive technology in our labs for security and compatibility reasons.
Our external Help Center is provided by a third party service and as such we do not have control over the presentation or programmatic markup of the pages. If you find the Help Centre contact function difficult to use, please submit your feedback or request via
We are also working to fix some other minor, cosmetic accessibility issues.
What we’ve done so far
Accessibility audits
- A third party has audited the key pages and flows on the platform to give us a better idea of the overall accessibility state of the platform and understand where to focus our efforts.
- We have also reviewed all the existing components, both released on the platform and newly designed.
- We have a cross-discipline accessibility team focussed advancing our efforts to reach conformance with the WCAG
- We run an annual accessibility conference for our product-focused roles to educate, upskill and discuss trends and developments
Recent updates
- We have updated how we represent links across our products to improve their accessibility and follow best practice standards
- We have developed a new color palette to address issues with poor color contrast and have begun to implement this across our products
What we’re doing
- Creating a design system for all of our components, so that each of them is documented from an accessibility perspective and can be implemented quickly.
- Investigating how we could improve the accessibility of our labs and reports.
- Improving our internal processes to make sure that accessibility is checked at every stage so that any potential issue can be found and solved early on.
- Planning ways to involve the whole organization around the importance of accessibility.
- Creating an internal resource repository which aims to make accessibility well integrated and as easy as possible to apply in each area.
- Planning to improve our research sessions to involve more disabled users to test the platform at different stages of the development process.
Contact us
We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of our platform. Please let us know if you encounter any accessibility barriers by emailing us at or by phone on +44 20 3893 9101 (UK) or +1 617 221 7241 (USA). To help us understand the issue quickly, it would help us if you could provide the information advised in Contacting Organizations about Inaccessible Websites in your request.
All constructive feedback regarding the accessibility or usability of our platform is welcome and will be carefully considered.
This accessibility statement was last updated in September 2023 and follows the advice on accessibility statements in ISO 30071-1.
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