
Falanx Cyber: Cybersecurity firm reduces consultant training time

Written by
Immersive Labs
Published on
June 19, 2020


Falanx Cyber Defence delivers a complete end-to-end managed service that includes threat detection, risk management, security monitoring and incident response. The company provides end-to-end coverage for SMEs through to FTSE 100 companies.


Due to the continued success of its cybersecurity consultancy service, Falanx Cyber – like many in the industry – has decided to invest in developing its cybersecurity consultants by providing them with an intensive upskilling programme. Each consultant must acquire technical skills and knowledge across a wide range of cybersecurity topics before they are considered qualified for customer facing, chargeable work – this typically takes three months. Once consultants have received the prerequisite training, they are available for fee-earning work.During this time, these staff members often rely heavily on the support of senior members of staff, potentially distracting them from other fee-earning work.


A group of new hires were provided with access to the Immersive Labs online platform for the duration of the upskilling process and were set the objective of developing their cybersecurity skills in topics such as infrastructure, web application and API security.


Thanks to Immersive Labs’ real-time cyber skills development system, the consultants found it easy to upskill by accessing hundreds of labs within the browser and were motivated to challenge themselves further by the gamified content.As a result, Falanx Cyber noticed an improvement in the quality of work and a reduction in the amount of time required to upskill its consultants, with each consultant able to confidently perform chargeable work one month sooner than previous new hires.The way that Immersive Labs encourages users to research topics and experiment with solutions also meant that the new hires relied less on senior experts for information and guidance, freeing them up for further chargeable work.

Immersive Labs is the world’s first human cyber readiness platform.

Our technology delivers challenge-based cybersecurity content developed by experts and powered by the latest threat intelligence. Our unique approach enables businesses to battle-test and evidence their workforce’s preparedness to face emerging cyber threats.


  • Provide consultants with skills, knowledge and experience via cybersecurity upskilling solution
  • Reduce the time before consultants can perform chargeable work
  • Reduce the time that senior experts spend training and supporting


  • Consultants were engaged and motivated to complete their training
  • Reduced the time required to prepare consultants for fee-earning work by 33
  • Reduced the impact on senior expert time
  • Improved quality of work produced by consultants
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