August 24, 2023

Getting More Out of Cyber Exercising, from Techs to Execs

Cybersecurity Exercising
a person holding a tablet with a lock on itlong exposure image of man walking by blue panels

It’s not optional; organizations must prioritize building resilience to protect against cyber incidents effectively. This means there has to be a strong collaboration between technical teams and executive leadership for cogent incident response. To accomplish this, Immersive Labs offers a comprehensive solution – something we call Techs to Execs exercising. By combining the benefits of our Crisis Sim and Cyber Team Sim offerings, we can significantly enhance technical and executive cyber skills, judgment, and confidence – all in one platform. Let’s take a look and see how our solution is vital to improving cyber incident response capabilities. of Crisis SimDecision-making exercises that bring risks to life. Conventional tabletop exercises have their limitations. However, with Immersive Labs' Crisis Sim, teams are immersed in dynamic scenarios rooted in actual crises. Unlike simple tabletops, Crisis Sim replicates real-world crisis progression, optimizing an organization's crisis readiness. Available in single-player, drill, or presentation mode, this approach enhances “muscle memory” by involving participants in captivating storylines using relevant media, ensuring better preparedness for upcoming crises – all accessible seamlessly through a web browser.Benefits of Cyber Team SimBuilt for Pen-testers, Defensive, and SOC teams, Team Sim cyber range exercises utilize cutting-edge hyper-realistic environments to facilitate comprehensive technical drills. These exercises serve as a potent tool to evaluate team performance, allowing for the precise identification of strengths and areas requiring improvement. Team Sim builds confidence and readiness by substantiating the team's overall preparedness. Our exercises are designed by cyber professionals to align with the latest developments in cyber threats, ensuring that your team is equipped to tackle the latest challenges effectively.Techs to execs: a unified solution for cyber resilienceThe program empowers organizations with the option to run cyber exercises using dedicated teams or as a unified solution from technical teams to executive leadership. This comprehensive approach can achieve multiple outcomes:Reduce Cyber Risk: By enhancing the skills and preparedness of technical and executive teams, organizations can effectively reduce their cyber risk exposure.Build Response Capability: Exercises provide hands-on training and real-world scenarios that help build a robust incident response capability across all levels of the organization.Exercise All Organizational Levels: The program caters to multiple teams, including security operations, incident response, crisis management, executives, and the board – ensuring comprehensive readiness.Build People-Centric Cyber Resilience: Immersive Labs focuses on both individuals and teams, fostering collaboration and developing critical decision-making skills during an actual cyber crisis.Exercising techs to execs: addressing real-world scenariosExercises address real-world cyber scenarios, allowing organizations to assess their cyber resilience effectively. Here are some key elements of these exercises:Reporting Confidence: By scoring individuals and teams during exercises, organizations gain valuable insights into their readiness for real cyber crises, enabling continuous improvement.Exercising a Team of Teams: Encourage collaboration between different teams in an organization, including:

  • Executive CMT (Crisis Management Team)
  • Business and Functional Level CMT
  • Security Operations
  • Incident Response Team

Illustrative Scenario Outline: A sample scenario outline illustrates the flow of a cyber crisis exercise, including containment actions, engaging with attackers, external communication, unintended consequences, recovery, and restoration.Hands-On Labs: Security teams are assessed using MITRE framework coverage against specific threat actor techniques – individuals can improve their skills through additional lab training.Key takeawaysThe ultimate goal of Techs to Execs exercises is to stress-test end-to-end response capabilities, identify gaps in coverage, and gain confidence across the organizations. These programs, offered through Immersive Labs, are pivotal in building cyber resilience from the technical teams to the executive level. Organizations can confidently respond to cyber incidents and protect against threats by engaging in realistic scenarios and continuous upskilling. Strengthening collaboration between technical and executive teams ensures that organizations react efficiently and effectively to cyber crises, safeguarding their digital assets, reputation, and ability to deliver client services.To learn more about the benefits of exercising the entire organization, please visit our Resources Page.

Trusted by top companies worldwide
to enhance cybersecurity

Trusted by some of the world’s biggest brands, we’re committed to taking your cybersecurity readiness to the next level - and we’re just getting started.

What Our Customers
Are Saying About Immersive

Realistic simulation of current threats is the only way to test and improve response readiness, and to ensure that the impact of a real attack is minimized. Immersive’s innovative platform, combined with Kroll’s extensive experience, provides the closest thing to replication of a real incident — all within a safe virtual environment.

Paul Jackson
Regional Managing Director, APAC Cyber Risk, Kroll

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