Cybersecurity regulations are crucial in safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining trust in digital transactions of all types. This overview highlights critical cybersecurity regulations in Saudi Arabia and how Immersive Labs can assist organizations in complying with them.

Key regulations include the SAMA Cyber Security Framework (CSF), SAMA Financial Entities Ethical Red Teaming Guidelines, NCA Essential Cybersecurity Controls (ECC), NCA Saudi Cybersecurity Workforce Framework (SCyWF), NDMO Personal Data Privacy Law (PDPL), and CST Cybersecurity Regulatory Framework (CRF).

Understanding these regulations and their regional influence is essential for organizations. By complying with these standards, organizations can enhance cybersecurity resilience and contribute to a more secure digital environment globally. Leveraging the Immersive Labs’ platform, organizations can strengthen their cybersecurity posture, develop a skilled workforce, and comply with cybersecurity regulations in Saudi Arabia and beyond.

The SAMA Cyber Security Framework (CSF): Issued by the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA), it sets the gold standard for cybersecurity practices in banking and financial institutions. Its influence extends beyond Saudi Arabia, serving as a benchmark for cybersecurity frameworks in the region, and is a critical regulation that organizations must be well-versed in.

Requirement: A set of minimum cybersecurity controls for banking, financial services, and insurance organizations (BFSI) that outlines the essential requirements that all BFSI sector organizations must meet. Of particular focus are elements related to upskilling and exercise, such as those outlined in sections 3.1.6 and 3.1.7.

Immersive Labs Support: Our platform covers CSF’s Awareness and Training elements and complements its new focus on exercising and individual development plans requested by regulators.

The SAMA Financial Entities Ethical Red Teaming program: A globally recognized initiative designed to fortify financial entities’ cybersecurity posture. Its principles and methodologies are increasingly recognized and adopted by organizations worldwide, underscoring its effectiveness in strengthening security defenses.

Requirement: Implement a framework to guide organizations in preparing and conducting red-teaming activities while testing their detection and response capabilities against actual sophisticated and advanced attacks.

Immersive Labs Support: Immersive Labs empowers both defensive and offensive professionals through dynamic upskilling and evidencing cycles, fostering continuous improvement to enhance your organization’s cyber capabilities to identify and exploit vulnerabilities and detect and respond accordingly.

NCA Essential Cybersecurity Controls (ECC): Issued by the National Cybersecurity Authority (NCA) of Saudi Arabia, it outlines fundamental cybersecurity measures. These controls have influenced cybersecurity practices in the region and are considered a reference point for similar regulations globally.

Requirement: Comprehensive cybersecurity requirements covering Strategy, People, Processes, and Technology, in that order, emphasizing a holistic approach to cybersecurity.

Immersive Labs Support: We can help accelerate and ensure compliance with
ECC by actively supporting the fulfillment of control sub-controls 1-9-3-2, 1-9-4-1,
and control sub-domains 1-10.

NCA Saudi Cybersecurity Workforce Framework (SCyWF): This framework defines the skills and competencies required for cybersecurity professionals in Saudi Arabia. Its guidelines are shaping the development of cybersecurity workforce frameworks in neighboring countries.

Requirement: Saudi Arabian Cybersecurity Workforce Framework defines the skills and roles needed for cybersecurity professionals in Saudi Arabia, tailored to the country’s specific context.

Immersive Labs Support: We can help customers map their workforce to SCyWF. Our content already aligns with the NIST NICE Framework, which provides the foundation for SCyWF. Building upon NIST NICE, SCyWF offers a tailored, localized approach to address Saudi Arabia’s specific cybersecurity workforce needs. It includes unique job roles, specialties, and categories.

The NDMO Personal Data Privacy Law (PDPL): This comprehensive regulation issued by the National Data Management Office (NDMO) governs the collection and processing of personal data. Its principles align with global data protection standards, providing organizations with a clear roadmap for data protection compliance worldwide.

Requirement: The NDMO publishes and maintains compliance with the Data Management and Personal Data Protection Standards, of which several controls are relevant from a data protection, privacy, and management perspective.

Immersive Labs Support: We directly support PDPL with several specifications under the Data Management and Personal Data Protection Standards, including PDP.2.1, PDP.3.1, and PDP.3.2. T.  Our Cyber Crisis Simulations can help organizations better prepare and stress-test existing procedures or uncover data protection, data breach management, and data breach reporting gaps.

CST Cybersecurity Regulatory Framework (CRF): Issued by the Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC), the CRF provides guidelines for ensuring cybersecurity in Saudi Arabia’s telecommunications sector. Its principles influence cybersecurity regulations in other countries seeking to secure their telecommunications infrastructure.

Requirement: The CRF outlines several requirements across Strategy, People, Technology, and Processes that organizations operating in the relevant sectors should follow. The regulation now describes how these plans and programs must directly cater to the specifics of the user roles.

Immersive Labs Support: Our platform directly supports CRF with controls group 1.5 for Cybersecurity Awareness & Training. We offer tailored training programs, interactive learning modules, role-based training paths, measurable learning outcomes, continuous learning, and improvement, and we provide support for mapping to the SCyWF Framework.

Get the human edge while building cyber resilience

Cutting-edge tools alone won’t guarantee resilience. Our approach, Cyber Workforce Resilience, helps organizations assess, benchmark, and prove their ability to respond effectively to cyber threats by focusing on people and teams making critical decisions.

Get a guided demo from an expert on how the Immersive Labs Platform helps with multiple Saudi Arabia regulations.

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September 4, 2024


Immersive Labs